קהילה - היצירות של Emeliy

New in mikmak! welcome! 25/06/2019

so hye!
my name is Emeliy!
my friend of mine told me about Mikmak!

I lived in America for 4 years and now I'm back in Israel! how fun!
Israel is so beautiful!
So have an amazing day!,

מוקדש ל Everyone!

  הוספת תגובה
שם מיקמק
13/11/2020   12:39 נרניהאסלן 25
Good luck.
03/08/2019   18:51 66לילי666 24
Hi Emily! So I lived in America for two years too!
Really fun to know that something from America has moved to Israel and then moved into Mikmak !!!!
And yes .. I know fluent English so I'd love to talk to you !!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Stunning design! I did like
Good luck in the community and Mikmak,
03/08/2019   16:07 גלiבומיק 23
welcome izrael, Emiliy!! (אנגלית יפה יש לי, הא?)
24/07/2019   19:41 רום176 22
I think she is from israel and not from America
08/07/2019   11:10 סאני32240 21
Hey ,
Readers call Sunny 32240,
The design is very perfect !! And the work itself !!
What fun you join us !! And opens a community !!
I wish you a lot of success in the community !!
Have a perfect day!! And a perfect vacation !!
26/06/2019   17:05 משעודה 20
Welcome to Israel & MIKMAK!:)
26/06/2019   15:51 peach185 19
lwelcome to MIKMAK and good luck
26/06/2019   12:05 נועהFבדם 18
Hello Emeliy !
I hope you'll enjoy from our website
and I hope you'll meet some new frinds :)
thats it lmao XD
so , have a nice time here !
all that left is to wish you luck ♥♥ so good luck !
26/06/2019   09:58 REUVEN 17
!!!!Good Luck
I'd love to meet you
!!!I believe you will go far
=) p.s. I'm a girl not a boy
25/06/2019   22:39 אורירוק5 16
25/06/2019   22:35 מיקי79438 15
25/06/2019   20:08 snowfox1 14
sorry I wrote "meat" instead of "meet", cause sometimes I'm getting confused beetween simular words XD
25/06/2019   19:41 אורירוק5 13
hello, Emeliy! welcome to isreal and mikmak! i hape you get fun on mikmak! isreal is really country amazing!i do
love to speak english! i really wanna go to America !
25/06/2019   19:21 רמון2 12
It'd be such honor to meet ya.
Welcome to our beautiful site and even more, our country.
I'll look up for your posts on the Kehilla such as drawings, creations and more...
Have fun ok?
25/06/2019   19:13 שלי1801 11
25/06/2019   19:04 אורירוק5 10
Good Luck On isreal!
25/06/2019   17:53 נעמי3500  9
Hey Emeli!
Welcome to Mikmak! (And Israel)
Hope you have fun here in the country!
Meet new places and walk in our stunning country.
I also have a girlfriend who immigrated to Israel this year and we started to be very good friends.
Hope you have a lot of friends and identify with our language!
חחחחחח חחחח מקווה שהגוגל תרגם לי נכון XD
25/06/2019   16:49 snowfox1  8
wow Emily, it's a pleasure to meat you!
i'm excitaed for you, israel is an amazing COUNTRY! I'm also an english speaker, I can help you to blend in in this wonderfull site!
wish you a-lot of good luck!
25/06/2019   16:47 שיר3048  7
Oh and welcome to the community of mikmak! (in Hebrew- “kehila”)
In my opinion, you will love our community and you will also create works for the community!. I really want to meet you in Mikmak world and talk with you in Mik tok. I would be happy for the Mikmak team to allow everyone to speak English in Mikmak world :)
25/06/2019   16:38 דשדשית  6
What fun you joined the community! Welcome:) I lived two years in America, and I know English too.
25/06/2019   16:36 שיר3048  5
We hope you have fun in Mikmak and of course in Israel!
25/06/2019   16:27 רינה3323  4
את יודעת אנגלית שוטפת?
למזלי כוכבית תירגמה לי את מה שכתבת!
25/06/2019   16:22 שוקוניק1  3
25/06/2019   16:10 עינב2803  2
Good Luck!
25/06/2019   16:08 111מיקביט  1
את לא מדברת עברית?